
Ďakujeme že ste si našli cestu na klubovej stranky českej a slovenského komunity žijúce v prekrásnom Bay of Plenty na Novom Zélande.

Účelom spolku je rozvoj českého a slovenského kultúrneho dedičstva, najmä udržiavanie jazyka a folklórnych zvykov. Spolok tiež funguje ako sociálna sieť na podporu krajanov žijúcich v regiónoch Bay of Plenty a Waikato.


Čo robíme

Od svojho založenia v roku 2012 sa klub sústredí na rozvoj a podporu jazyka a podporu českej a slovenského komunity.

Avšak postupne času a s pribúdajúcim počtom našincov v našom regióne sa naše aktivity rozrástli ďalej. Či sa už jedná o spoločenské či športové podujatia alebo oslavy mnohých našich sviatkov, určité nájdete niečo zaujímavé.

A ak by ste mali nejakú zaujímavú myšlienku, ktorú by ste chceli realizovať, tak nám dajte vedieť. Radi od vás budeme počuť.


Ak ste v tejto oblasti nováčikom a chcete sa spojiť s ďalšími ľuďmi z českého alebo slovenského prostredia, porozprávajte sa s nami a my vám pomôžeme.


Česka škola a škôlka sú nepostradatelnout súčasťou klubu. Jazyková výučba prebieha, formálne alebo neformálne aj na táboroch či školách v prírode.


Lákajú Vás zasnežené vrcholky hôr, či by ste radi ukázali deťom ako sa páli čarodejnice, maľujú kraslice, alebo s kým chodí anjel či čert? Pridajte sa k nám.


Na svoje si prídu aj milovníci kultúry. Radi chodíme do kina, oslavujeme vznik prvej republiky, pripomíname si dátum vypálenia Lidíc či výročie Nežnej revolúcie.

Výber z našich aktivít

Nasledujúce príklady nie sú vyčerpávajúcim prehľadom všetkých aktivít.

Tradičné festivaly

Pravidelne prezentujeme českú a slovenskú kultúru, novo-zélandskému publiku. Máme k dispozícii aj tradičné kroje.

Detská knižka

Anička a Honzík Rozprávajú dvojjazyčná kniha (česky a anglicky) s príbehmi z Nového Zélandu. Kniha je stále k dispozícii na zakúpenie. Kontaktujte nás


Klub disponuje knižnicou s českou a slovenskú literatúrou pre deti každého veku, tradičné rozprávky i nová kvalitná literatúra na podporu jazyka. Knižnica

Rodinné pobyty

Každý rok organizujeme, podporujeme či sa zúčastňujeme rodinných dovoleniek na NZ organizovaných pre našu komunitu a rodiny.

Športové akcie

Česká republika a Slovensko je už niekoľko rokov reprezentovaná futbalistu na amatérskom turnaji Ethkick.


Tešíme sa vzájomnej podpore s ostatnými českými klubmi na Novom Zélande v príprave akcií či iných aktivít.

Jazyk a kamaráti

Kamarátstvo a rozvoj jazyka idú ruka v ruke. Deti sa učia od svojich rovesníkov na zaujímavých akciách ako lezenie na stene, korčuľovanie alebo dňom na Waimarino.


Každý deň slnko nesvieti. Klub má dobré vzťahy so slovenským veľvyslanectvom v Canberre a prostredníctvom neho vám môžeme pomôcť v životných ťažkostiach.

Klub je tu pre Vás. Zaregistrujte sa, má to svoje výhody.

Klub číta cez dvesto členov vrátane partnerov a detí, žijúcich prevažne v Tauranze a okolie, Bay of Plenty a Waikato.

Väčšinou sme mladšieho a stredného veku. Najstaršie usadlíci v našej komunite sú tu na Novom Zélande okolo dvadsať rokov. Ale ako sa tento región rozširuje, tak je tu stály prísun nových prisťahovalcov.

Teda, aj keď ste noví do nášho regiónu, či na Novom Zélande, alebo ste už tu zabývaní dlhšie, určite medzi nami stretnete spriatelenú dušu. Radi Vám poradíme čo a ako a pomôžeme sa zabývaním. Medzi nami sa nachádza hromada šikovných ľudí, tak nikdy neviete s čím dokážu pomôcť.

Kontaktujte nás a alebo sa priamo zaregistrujte na registračnom formulári, aby sme Vám mohli dať vedieť o plánovaných akciách pre celú rodinu.

Medzi členské výhody patrí zvýhodnené vstupné na klubové akcie, prednostné rezervácie na klubové akcie, ako lyžiarky, atp. alebo zadarmo požičovné v klubovej knižnici. Registrácia členstva do Slovenského a Slovenskom Klubu Tauranga je ZDARMA.

* Formulár sa otvorí v novom okne.

Kontaktujte nás

Ak by ste radi vedeli o akciách, ktoré usporadúvame navštívte naše stránky na Facebooku. Ak máte iné otázky, neváhajte sa na nás obrátiť.

Ste tu noví a radi by ste spoznali nových ľudí?

Radi by ste nám pomohli v realizácii klube alebo školy?

Potrebujete niečo nájsť a neviete kam sa obrátiť?

Potrebujete pomoc v oficiálnej kapacite s nejakou životnou situáciou?

Niečo nefunguje na našich stránkach, tak ako má?

Niečo iné ...?

Oficiálna adresa
29a Heron Avenue East
Tauranga, 3110
Bankový účet
Banka: KiwiBank
Číslo účtu: 38-9014-0327371-00
Prosím vyplňte jméno
Prosím vyplňte email
Prosím vyplňte správu

Na ochranu pred spamom odpovedzte na nasledujúcu otázku:

Priezvisko prvého prezidenta ČSR po 1918?

Vyplňte odpoveď

Ospravedlňujeme sa

Vaša správa nebola zaslaná.

Chyba je najskôr na našej strane. Prosím zašlite Vašu správu emailom na adresu

Vaša detaily použijeme iba na spracovanie odpovede.


Administrácia klubu je v rukách členov skúseného tímu, ktorí sa spoliehajú na Vašu pomoc s organizáciou podujatí a aktivít.

Ak máte nápad a radi by ste ho uskutočnili, dajte nám vedieť a radi Vám pomôžeme s jeho realizáciou, ako našou expertízou tak i finančne. Klub disponuje radom finančných zdrojov, ktoré radi investujeme do zaujímavých akcií pre členov klubu.

Klara Luxford-Rulisek
Klara Luxford-Rulisek


Amy Benfell
Amy Benfell

Generálny tajomník

Anka Bailey
Anka Bailey


Linda Foukalova
Linda Foukalova

Člen výboru

Kamila Lyons
Kamila Lyons

Člen výboru

Jana Benfell
Jana Benfell

Člen výboru

Radi by ste sa zapojili do diania?

Máte kopu nápadov, ako zprestřit aktivity klubu? Kontaktujte nás a pridajte sa do tímu.

Klubové pravidlá

Klub je riadne začlenená spoločnosť u Societies NZ a registrovaná charita pod Charities NZ.

Chod spolku je regulovaný pravidlami a smernicami. Výbor klubu zabezpečuje administratívne záležitosti menom registrovaných členov.

  1. The Club
    1. The name of the society is Czech and Slovak Club Tauranga Incorporated ("the Society").
    2. The Society is constituted by resolution dated 25.10.2012.
    3. The Society is a non-profit organisation.
    4. The name of the society is Czech and Slovak Club Tauranga Incorporated ("the Society").
    5. The Society is constituted by resolution dated 25.10.2012.
    6. The Society is a non-profit organisation.
  2. The Seat
    1. The legal seat of the Society is the City of Tauranga.
  3. Purposes of the Society
    1. The purposes of the Society are:
      1. To maintain good relations amongst members of the Czech and Slovak communities in New Zealand and promote friendship with New Zealand people, as well as building reputation by promoting Czech culture, language and heritage to the public;
      2. To provide open and public education in Czech and Slovak culture and language, through a structured language programme run by the Society;
      3. To maintain contact with similar organisations in New Zealand and abroad;
    2. Pecuniary gain is not a purpose of the Society.

  1. Organising Committee
    1. The Society shall have a organising Committee (“the Committee”), comprising the following persons:
      1. The President;
      2. A General Secretary;
      3. A Financial Officer;
      4. Such other Members as the Society shall decide.
    2. Only Members of the Society may be Committee Members.
    3. There shall be a minimum of three Committee Members.
    4. The Committee has all of the powers of the Society.
    5. Decisions of the Committee shall be by majority vote at Committee meetings.
    6. Committee meetings may be held via video or telephone conference, or other formats as the Committee may decide and as often as necessary.
    7. No Committee Meeting may be held unless more than half of the Committee Members attend.
    8. The President shall chair Committee Meetings, or if the President is absent, the Committee shall elect a Committee Member to chair that meeting.
  2. Appointment of Committee Members
    1. At a Society Meeting, the club Members decide by majority vote:
      1. How large the Committee will be;
      2. Who shall be the Committee Members.
      3. Whether any Committee Member may hold more than one position as an officer;
    2. All appointments for the Committee last one term.
      1. A Term is defined as a time period between one Annual General Meeting of the Society to the next.
      2. There will be no restriction on the number of terms a Committee member can serve on the Committee, subject to a re-election at an AGM.
    3. If the position of any Committee Member becomes vacant between Annual General Meetings, the Committee may appoint another Society or Committee Member to fill that vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting.
    4. If the position of any Committee Member becomes vacant between Annual General Meetings, the Committee may appoint another Society Member to fill that vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting.
  3. Role of the Committee
    1. Subject to the rules of the Society (“The Rules”), the roles of the Committee are to:
      1. Administer, manage, and control the Society;
      2. Carry out the purposes of the Society, and use money or other assets to do that;
      3. Manage the Society’s financial affairs, including approving the annual financial statements for presentation to the Members at the Annual General Meetings;
      4. Delegate responsibility and appoint members where necessary;
      5. Keep a register of all members of the Society;
      6. Ensure that all Members follow the Rules;
      7. Decide the times and dates for Meetings, and set the agenda for Meetings;
      8. Deal with all the correspondence on behalf of the Society;
      9. Hold the Society's records, documents, and books;
      10. Advise the Registrar of Incorporated Societies of any rule changes;
      11. Make regulations.
      12. Manage club’s assets.
  4. Roles of Committee Members
    1. The President is responsible for:
      1. Ensuring that the Rules are followed;
      2. Receiving and replying to correspondence as required by the Committee;
      3. Chairing Meetings, deciding who may speak and when;
      4. Overseeing the operation of the Society;
      5. Providing a report on the operations of the Society at each Annual General Meeting.
      6. Forwarding the annual financial statements for the Society to the Registrar of Incorporated Societies upon their approval by the Members at an Annual General Meeting;
      7. Advising the Registrar of Incorporated Societies of any rule changes.
      8. Moving team member motions for a discussion and a vote at Committee Meetings.
    2. The General Secretary is responsible for:
      1. Recording the minutes of Meetings;
      2. Sending committee meeting minutes to club members in a timely manner;
      3. Convening Meetings and establishing whether or not a quorum (half of the Committee) is present;
      4. Keeping the Register of Members;
      5. Holding the Society's records, documents, and books except those required for the Financial Officer’s function;
    3. The Financial Officer is responsible for:
      1. Keeping proper accounting records of the Society’s financial transactions to allow the Society’s financial position to be readily ascertained;
      2. Preparing annual financial statements for presentation at each Annual General Meeting. These statements should be prepared in accordance with the Society’s accounting policies;
      3. Providing a financial report at each Annual General Meeting;
      4. Providing financial information to the Committee as the Committee determines.
      5. Assisting and advising on the preparation of event budgets.
  5. Cessation of Committee Membership
    1. Persons cease to be Committee Members when:
      1. They resign by giving written notice to the Committee;
      2. They are removed by majority vote of the Society at a Society Meeting.
      3. If any Committee Member is absent from three consecutive meetings without a leave of absence the Chair/President may declare that person’s position to be vacant.
      4. If any Committee Member is absent from six consecutive meetings with or without a leave of absence the Chair/President may declare that person’s position to be vacant.
    2. If a person ceases to be a Committee Member, that person must within one month give to the Committee all Society documents and property.
  6. Committee Meetings
    1. Committee meetings may be held via video or telephone conference, or other formats as the Committee may decide.
    2. No Committee Meeting may be held unless more than half of the Committee Members attend
    3. The President shall chair Committee Meetings, or if the President is absent, the Committee shall elect a Committee Member to chair that meeting.
    4. Decisions of the Committee shall be by majority vote.
    5. The President or person acting as President has a casting vote, that is, a second vote.
    6. Only Committee Members present at a Committee Meeting or participating via an online meeting may vote at that Committee Meeting.
    7. Subject to these Rules, the Committee may regulate its own practices.
    8. The President or his nominee shall adjourn the meeting if necessary.
    9. Adjourned Meetings: If within half an hour after the time appointed for a meeting a quorum is not present the meeting, shall be dissolved; in any other case it shall stand adjourned to a day, time and place determined by the President of the Society, and if at such adjourned meeting a quorum is not present the meeting shall be dissolved without further adjournments.

  1. Types of Members
    1. Membership is open to any person of Czech or Slovak descent or any person irrespective of his/her descent who is contributing to the activities of the club.
    2. Members have the rights and responsibilities set out in these Rules.Members have the rights and responsibilities set out in these Rules.
  2. Admission of Members
    1. To become a Member, a person (“the Applicant”) must:
      1. Complete an application form, and
      2. Supply any other information the Committee requires.
    2. The Committee shall have complete discretion when it decides whether or not to allow the Applicant become a Member. The Committee shall advise the Applicant of its decision, and that decision shall be final.
  3. The Register of Members
    1. The General Secretary shall keep a register of Members (“the Register”), which shall contain the names and the postal addresses of all Members, and the dates at which they became Members.
    2. If a Member’s contact details change, that Member shall give the new postal address to the Secretary.
  4. Cessation of Membership
    1. Any Member may resign by giving written notice to the General Secretary.
    2. Owing to expulsion due to actions prejudicial to the Club. Each case of expulsion shall be specially decreed by the President.
  5. Obligations of Members
    1. All Members (and Committee Members) shall do nothing to bring the Society into disrepute.

  1. Money and Other Assets
    1. The Society may only use Money and Other Assets if:
      1. It is for a purpose of the Society;
      2. It is not for the sole personal or individual benefit of any Member; and
      3. TThat use has been approved by the Committee or by majority vote of the Society.
    2. There shall be no subscriptions for the membership of the Society.
    3. The Society shall not have the power to borrow money.
    4. The sources of the Society's funds shall be provided by fundraising, donations and grants.
    5. No private pecuniary profit shall be made by any member of the Society, except that:
      1. Any member may receive full reimbursement for all expenses properly incurred by that member in connection with the affairs of the Society;
      2. The Society may pay reasonable and proper remuneration to any member of the Society in return for services actually rendered to the Society. Provided however that any member, or any person associated with a member, who is to receive remuneration in accordance with this clause shall not by virtue of that member's capacity in any way determine or materially influence the amount of the remuneration to be paid.

  1. Society Meetings
    1. A Society Meeting is either an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting.
    2. The Annual General Meeting shall be held once every year in May. The Committee shall determine when and where the Society shall meet within those dates.
    3. Special General Meetings may be called by the resolution of the Committee or on requisition of 10 or more members.
    4. The Secretary shall:
      1. Give all Members at least 7 days written notice of the agenda to be conducted at any Society Meeting;
      2. Notify all members of any General Meeting at least 10 days before its date. If the Secretary sent notifications to all members in good faith, and some members did not receive the notice, General Meeting shall be still held;
      3. Provide a list of Nominees for the Committee for Annual General Meeting.
    5. All Members may attend and vote at Society Meetings.
      1. Decisions are made by majority of votes. In case of an equity of votes the Chair will have a casting vote.
    6. All Society Meetings shall be chaired by the President. If the President is absent, the Society shall elect another Committee Member to Chair that meeting. Any person chairing a Society Meeting has a casting vote.
    7. The President or his nominee shall adjourn the meeting if necessary.
    8. Adjourned Meetings: If within half an hour after the time appointed for a meeting a quorum is not present the meeting, if convened upon requisition of members, shall be dissolved; in any other case it shall stand adjourned to a day, time and place determined by the Chair/President of the Society, and if at such adjourned meeting a quorum is not present the meeting shall be dissolved without further adjournments.
  2. Motions at Society Meetings
    1. Any Member may request that a motion be voted on (“Member’s Motion”) at a particular Society Meeting, by giving written notice to the Secretary at least 20 days before that meeting. The Member may also provide information in support of the motion (“Member’s Information”). The Committee may in its absolute discretion decide whether or not the Society will vote on the motion. However, if the Member’s Motion is signed by at least 10 eligible Members:
    2. It must be voted on at the Society Meeting chosen by the Member; and
    3. The Secretary must give the Member’s Information to all Members at least 14 days before the Society Meeting chosen by the Member; or
    4. If the Secretary fails to do this, the Member has the right to raise the motion at the following Society Meeting.
    5. The Committee may also decide to put forward motions for the Society to vote on (“Committee Motions”) which shall be suitably notified.

  1. Common Seal
    1. The Society shall have a Common seal. The General Secretary shall have custody of the common seal, which shall only be used by the authority of the Committee. Every document to which the common seal is affixed shall be signed by the President and countersigned by one other member of the Committee.

  1. Altering the Rules
    1. No addition to or alteration of the aims/objects, payments to members clause or the winding-up clause shall be approved without the approval of Inland Revenue. The provisions and effect of this clause shall not be removed from this document and shall be included and implied into any document replacing this document.
    2. The Society may alter or replace these Rules at a Society Meeting by a resolution passed by a majority of votes.
    3. When a Rule change is approved by a Society Meeting and Inland Revenue when applicable, no Rule change shall take effect until the Secretary has filed the changes with the Registrar of Incorporated Societies.

  1. Winding Up
    1. If the Society is wound up the General Meeting shall authorise the disposal of any funds and property of the Club according to the provisions in the Incorporated Societies Act 1908.
    2. If a decision is made to wind up or dissolve the organisation and any property remains after the settlement of the organisation’s debts and liabilities, that property must be given or transferred to another organisation for similar charitable purpose or purposes as defined in section 5(1) of the Charities Act 2005.

  1. Definitions and Miscellaneous matters
    1. In these Rules
      1. “Majority vote” means a vote made by more than half of the Members who are present at a Meeting and voting at that Meeting upon a resolution put to that Meeting;
      2. “Society Meeting” means any Annual General Meeting, or any Special General Meeting, but not a Committee Meeting;
      3. “Written Notice” means communication by post, electronic means (including email, and website posting), or advertisement in periodicals, or a combination of these methods.

Zmena pravidiel jún 2021

Zápisnice z výročných schôdzí členov klubu

Ako riadne začlenená spoločnosť u Societies NZ a registrovaná charita pod Charities NZ, klub má výročné povinnosť dať členom klubu možnosť sa vyjadriť k fungovaniu spoločnosti.

Táto povinnosť je plnená usporiadaním valného zhromaždenia (Annual General Meeting) v mesiaci máji každého roka. Vo výnimočných prípadoch špecialne schôdza členov spolku dáva členom klubu ďalšiu možnosť hlasovať na návrhy vyhradenej členom klubu. Zápisnice z týchto schôdzí sú Vám plne k dispozícii.

Registračné detaily

Výťažok z registra charít NZ.

Legal name of the Charity
Czech and Slovak Club Tauranga Incorporated
Registration number
Current Status
Date of Registration
Balance Date
March 31

Plnú registráciu možno zhliadnuť na register Charit.

Výťažok z registra spolkov NZ.

Incorporated Society Name
Czech and Slovak Club Tauranga Incorporated
Incorporation Number
NZBN number
Incorporated Society Status
Date of Incorporation
AGM Month

Plnú registráciu možno vyhľadať na registra spolkov pod číslom 9429043317707.